What a word! As is my custom, let’s look at the definition (Oxford Dictionaries):
disgusting dirt
obscene and offensive language or printed material.
used as a term of abuse for a person or people one greatly despises
corrupt behavior; decadence
I am looking at these definitions and I am searching for the good in it. Isn’t that how we should navigate our daily interactions and conversations – What good can I pull from this?
Follow me for a moment…

What emotions come to the surface when you see this image? I know as a mom, I feel disgusted, frustrated and disappointed if this was my son’s room! As a woman who values cleanliness and order, this is chaotic image. But then…if I allow my emotional expectations to take a seat, I begin to see something different. I see OPPORTUNITY!

A person with a filthy mind has an opportunity to choose purity.
A family with a filthy home has an opportunity to choose order.
A business with a filthy reputation has an opportunity to choose honor.
We can choose to see and seize the opportunity or we can choose to see the filth and:
accept it (Hey, this is who I am!)
ignore it (What filth? I don’t see it)
condemn it ( How could I do this to myself? I am such a loser!)
defend it ( Don’t judge me! You have no idea what I have been through!)
There is an element of filth in everyone’s life…what opportunity will you choose to see in it?