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Daily Prompt: Flee

Writer's picture: DawnMicheleDawnMichele

The past few days have been very challenging. I looked inward to access what was happening and why. I typically step away from my regular routine to hear clearly what my life is saying without speaking a word. Our Daily Prompt drew me back in as now I can articulate what the purpose was for my week of reflection.

Oxford Dictionaries defines “flee” as to:

run away from a place or situation of danger


A typical condition from which one flees involves some sort of discomfort or dissatisfaction with the current location. Refugees flee their country due to poor treatment, lack of resources, etc. They look to another location as a solution to their current problem. It does not eliminate the problem completely, it just provides a separation from it. When you flee, you are searching and yearning. You are expectant and hopeful that where you are going is better than where you are leaving. In the situation shown in the above, I pray that their flight yielded a positive solution.

But what if it doesn’t?


There are times when we flee from emotional situations that are causing us harm. We think of ways we can remove ourselves from the source of our pain by running away from it. We see our current conditions as unbearable and we seek paths of escape. I felt this way over the last week. There were many thoughts, desires and dreams in my head that were overwhelming me. I wanted clarity and perspective on which path to take and needed mental quiet. Isn’t it ironic that we lack quiet when we need it the most! So, although I was physically interacting with life, emotionally, I felt unsafe and concerned.

So,  I fled emotionally.

And when I reached my destination of emotional safety, I searched for answers, peace and direction. Thank God for His presence and protection! Once assured that I was safe and equipped to move forward in peace, I returned home…


I returned home, but not empty-handed.

I returned home with tools and strategies for a harmonic life of abundance and prosperity.

I returned home with hope and vision.

I returned home with words of power and manifestation.

I returned home full.


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