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Owner, Dawn Michele

Welcome to Your Inner Peace

I Help Mompreneurs Design Lives of Peace in their Homes and Minds

Journey from Chaos to Peace

I Help Women Design Lives of Peace in Their Homes and Minds

I seek to facilitate a journey to Inner Peace and Physical Space for connection with God in your life.  With the combination of inner mindset renewal and physical space elevation, Mompreneurs will give themselves permission to 'take up space' in their world. Spiritual, emotional and spatial well-being are essential components to living a life of daily peace.
By Designing their Atmospheres, Mompreneurs will experience inner and outer transformation that shifts their thoughts from ones of anxiety, stress and worry to thoughts of peace, grace and ease.

stressed woman

How do I Transform Pain Points into Power Points?

Anxiety and Panic Responses

Transforms to...

Daily reminders of your Eternal safety and protection.

Doubt and Worry

Transforms to...

Speaking affirmations that speak to your uniqueness and authority.

Disjointed Physical Atmosphere

Transforms to...

Creating spaces that are beautiful, simple and empowering to your specific life’s purpose. Space that frees you to connect more fully with God.

Loss of Hope for a Better Future

Transforms to...

Empowerment to explore the possibilities divinely assigned to YOU.

Co-creating a life of peace with you

Dawn Michele

"Remain in a place of Peace. No matter what happens today...Maintain Your Peace! No matter what is said today...Maintain Your Peace! No matter how you FEEL today...Maintain Your Peace and refuse to surrender it!"

How Can I help you?

Blueprints For Peace

What kind of coach am I?

As a Peace Coach with a degree in Architecture, I assist Momprenuers in creating and maintaining the physical peace and inner peace they need to experience their best life now!

How do I define PEACE?

Peace is not an absence of conflict or war (outside of you), but a ‘sense of completeness, wholeness and tranquility (inside of you) that encourages you to give’ of yourself generously in life.

How do I define BLUEPRINT?

In architecture, the outcome of gathering the needs and desires of the client is a blueprint. These drawings can be followed to bring the idea of the designer and client into reality. "It is a guide for making something — it's a design or pattern that can be followed".

How do I transform lives?

By exposing the triggers that keep women separated from their peace and teaching them a Blueprint on how to regain their peace through specific tools and activities.

What system do I use?

My Peace in 5 Method walks you though a simple process of self-discovery and foundation restoration that will transform your thoughts from doubt to possibility.

Image by Christina @


Guidance & Inspiration

Designing Space to Choose Peace

I've been stuck. I know what it feels like to lack purpose and connection to God and your own self.

But, I'm here to tell you something...

You have a unique Blueprint to create an unshakable life of Peace!

Being in the architecture industry for over 20 years, I understand how vital it is to follow a specific blueprint and build a sturdy foundation for your building.

As the Peace Architect, my purpose is to help you uproot and demolish your faulty foundational beliefs and then rebuild a sturdy life free from anxiety, stress and worry.

 Creating a Blueprint to override the stress, anxiety and worry in daily life is possible. Allow me to take your hand and guide you through the very paths I took to live a life of greater inner peace.

 I guide women towards their unique answers to these powerful questions:

How sturdy is your foundation?

What are your daily thoughts, beliefs and actions?

What environment do you experience on a regular basis?

And do these answers align with the purpose of your life

Join me and I promise to guide you.

Learn More About Me

Passionate Peacemaker

For as long as I can remember, I have been a healer. My heart's desire is to see the people around living well and BEING well.  My training in Architecture mixed with my passion for healing mindsets are ways that I carry out my purpose on this Earth.

I guide Mompreneurs who have been separated from their daily peace on how to elevate their lives through Sacred Wellness Space Creation.

We will work together to Co-Create an Atmosphere of Wellness and Peace in your Home, Office and Mind. 

Owner Dawn Michele
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